Saturday, May 16, 2009

Oh the Joys of Being an Oakie

It's amazing to me how little I cared about the weather when we lived in Arizona. Predictability I guess...was the root cause. Hot. Really Hot. Scorching Hot. It Can't Get Any Hotter than this Hot. My Face is Melting Off Hot. And last but not least, Someone Put me Out of my Misery Hot.
But here, in Oklahoma, right now, weather is everything. The only reliable forecast is unpredictability. The weather has been so crazy. Even as I type I am periodically blinded by flashes of florescent lavender light. Everyone told us when we moved here we were just in time for "Tornado Season."
We are lucky that the May 13th tornadoes that hit Missouri and Oklahoma were not close to home but it really gave me a good scare. I was glued to the Weather Channel and didn't fall asleep until after 1 a.m. I didn't want to be asleep when I heard the Tornado Sirens go off...I wanted to be awake, coherent and prepared. Luckily no alarm went off and instead of sleeping I was anxious and felt a strong albeit weird desire to "document" my first scare with friends and family. Do I love you guys or what?
I have to say though...this video clip of the sky the night of the tornadoes does not give a really good idea of the chaos in the clouds. I was too chicken to walk out from under the awning of the you're seeing a minuscule portion of the sky. It was also extremely humid and felt exactly like a sauna.
K,so here is the clip of me filming the very beginning of a Severe Thunderstorm that would soon trigger local Flash Flood Warning Sirens to air on T.V. and more importantly, turn into 20 different tornadoes that touched down in Oklahoma.

1 comment:

texas_princess1109 said...

I'm actually way jealous of you right now! I love thunderstorms and tornadoes! You'll get use to the fickle weather soon enough, just like we all get use to the Arizona heat after a while. Enjoy it while you can and think of us sweating out at 110 degrees! :) We miss you!